Those things that used to be problems were transformed into challenges and are now solved. To God be the glory for His goodness and His wondrous work for He has made every aspect of my life beautiful.

You may have been searching for a long time now. Searching for hope and some peace of mind and there seems to be no way out. There are times that you are down when you should be up. Times that negatives are surely fighting the positive, help does not come from where it is sought and no help from man seem to up lift you.

If you are faced with these and more challenges and you think that there is no way out, than I've got some good news for you. 
There is a friend whose name is JESUS CHRIST. He is so closer, closer than a brother or ever closer than our shadows. He wants you to know that He cares about you and that he is the healer of your soul.
He has come to mend your broken hearts, and set free everyone who believe in  His name.

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